Charterhouse Strategic Land is proposing new homes, including affordable housing, for Olveston. Our plans have been put forward to support South Gloucestershire Council in achieving the area’s housing and economic growth needs through their emerging Local Plan. Currently, under the ownership of a local family, the site is off Vicarage Lane on land beside the Grey Gables residences and Olveston Primary School.
In November 2023, for the first time, the Council selected Grey Gables as its preferred site for twenty homes in its emerging Local Plan, a document for local authorities to guide and manage development in their area. Our plan offers a sustainable opportunity for the village to provide new homes catering to Olveston’s local needs whilst preserving the villages overall historic character and integrity.
In Summer 2022, we actively engaged with Olveston Parish Council and its residents during a public meeting to gather valuable insights regarding our initial proposals. We took this feedback onboard and in line with the direction of travel for the emerging Local Plan have revised our proposals accordingly.
Our revisions include a reduction in the number of homes initially proposed, a commitment to prioritise home sizes needed most by the village (with a focus on properties under four bedrooms), and a thorough consideration of measures aimed at enhancing road safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles exiting Vicarage Lane onto The Street.
Our proposal adheres to the existing Olveston footprint. It avoids infringing upon the open countryside and eliminates any potential for future speculative planning applications that may significantly increase the number of homes beyond what the village can accommodate. By doing so, we strive to maintain the unique character and integrity of Olveston while meeting the housing requirements of its community.
You can read more details about the plans in Our Proposals. If you wish to speak to a Grey Gables team member, please get in touch via the details at the bottom of this page.
Charterhouse Strategic Land, a division of Charterhouse Property Group, is a reputable and experienced development company. We specialise in residential development and adopt a partnership approach, involving various parties such as local authorities, landowners, housing associations, and the local community.
This collaborative method allows Charterhouse to maintain control and accountability throughout the entire development process. Most importantly, we emphasise creating housing projects that meet the specific needs and priorities of the local area, ensuring exceptional outcomes.
You can get in touch by emailing or calling 0800 130 3270 or by leaving your details below, and we will make sure you’re kept up to date with the project.